Canada Goose

Lifespan: 10-25 years

Wingspan: 127 to 173 cm (50 to 68.11inches)

Weight: 1.10 to 8 kg (2.42 to 17.6 lbs)

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In flight, flocks form large V’s of diagonally straight lines.

Near waterways in open grassy habitats such as estuaries, and artic tundra.

A variety of grasses and wild barley. They also eat wheat, beans, rice, and corn.

Arctic foxes are the natural predator.

Interesting fact:
They are monogamous. In some cases they mate for life.

The Atlantic Canada Geese fly more than 1 000 km from northern Quebec to go south for the winter in less than a week. They stop in Hope Town on the way.

They migrate to the southern United States for winter, and then return north to Canada in spring. Birds usually follow the same path every year. One of the larger, stronger birds is the leader. They change leaders during flight to give lead bird a rest.

Black necks, bills, and heads with a white strap under the chin and white patches elsewhere. Their bodies are usually brownish-grey.

They breed once yearly. Females start laying eggs the first weeks of March and continue as late as June in parts of the Arctic.

Il est construit avec de l’herbe et de la matière végétale et garni de plume vers le bas. Ils font leur nid sur la terre.

Number of eggs:
2 to 9; average 5


Source: Hinterland, 2003 (